Saturday, May 28, 2011

Vision Trees

Call for Submissions: Festival of the Trees 60

On my walk this afternoon, a tree, whose energy is perhaps conveyed by this image, with whom I feel a strong magnetic pull each time I pass. This tree played a part in my coming to live on the street you see here, I am sure. I'll relate the story in my post for the Festival.
Do you have a vision tree?

Is there a tree, a tree who calls to you? Whose rhythms speak to you deeply. Whose energy resonates with yours. Is there a tree who has inspired you in your life, your spirituality, art, relationships, body? Remember this tree, the vision of this tree, whenever it was, or go there now, rest against the bark, listen.

Can you record this feeling, conversation, vision in writing, art, photography, video? Please share your vision here, at the Festival of the Trees.

If you're inspired, write, paint, compose, perform your communion with a tree or trees, post in your blog, or Picasa or Flikr , or YouTube or Vimeo, or SoundCloud or Jamendo, wherever you hang your on-line hat, and send me the link, and I'll include it in the round-up on Festival Day! I'm hosting the next Festival of the Trees at my blog, Rubies in Crystal, on June 1st. Any and all entries welcome!

Host: Rubies in Crystal - here!

Deadline: May 29, for a Festival of the Trees post on June 1st.

Email to: brenda.clews [at] gmail [dot]com — or use the contact form on Festival of the Trees Submit page

*Important! Put “Festival of the Trees” in the subject line of your email

Theme: Trees in sound and motion: arboreal conversations

All tree-related submissions are considered, so as you wander the web this month, keep the Festival in mind and send us links to any tasty trees you find! Submission deadline is Sunday May 29th.

Festival of the Trees (home site)


  1. Shahrin2:24 PM

    I'll be here. Just wait for the 1st June. Trees and nature both attracted me very well. I love them. They are my heart. And this type of festival feels me pleasure. And thanks for your post as well as informing me.

  2. Brenda, I feel bad about not participating in this but I've been beset by a bunch of minor emergencies that have taken all my attention and my time.

  3. Beautiful, Shahrin - the Festival is up now:

    I hope you enjoy perusing it as much as I did compiling and composing it!

  4. Sherry, thank you for your note, and I hope everything is okay -life's emergencies beset us all from time to time.

    If, though, once things settle a bit, you find yourself still drawn to the theme and do compose a piece, and it would be totally cool if you tried some video, send the link along and I will add it to the essay.

    Or simply enjoy this month's FOTT -there are some delectable offerings!

  5. Shahrin1:26 PM

    I could not participate there. But I hope it was the best festival of my life I missed. I am a true lover of nature and trees. And the trees attract me always.

  6. Hi Shahrin, oh how lovely and of course you can always contribute to Festival of the Trees since it's a monthly event, going into its 5th year now. It is hosted at a different blog each month. Just check the website to see where to send your link. (I subscribe to it via Google Reader, so that makes it easy.)

    For instance, a post simply on how much to you love nature and trees is perfect!

  7. Shahrin4:50 AM

    This types of festival is so much pleasure and interesting for me. Because I love trees and nature. Tree is the main element of our nature. Thanks for the post. I love this festival.


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