Friday, June 25, 2010

If I Could Write

direct link: If I Could Write

for JP

What would I write if I

I reach over continents
into the Parthenon
to find you pressing
the shutter on your camera,
the photograph
you sent.

Or ordered chaos,
                          but this is my life.

A leaf swollen with rain.
Sleeping in a hammock
in a barge with hundreds of others
on the Amazon River in Brazil.
Sun shining on metal.
How sentences
                         in on each other
like white rose petals.

Days pass endless
waves in the lake.

I found her,
a spirit in the forest of the lake
in the Canadian terrain
where I fast for days.
She broke the spell.
in the silvery leaves of the
maples standing in water.

Abandon logic for metaphor.

Speak in the tongues
                                     of the poet.
I burn the fire
on your eyelids
in my soul.

Those Ionic columns in the heat
of your Grecian photograph.

to hide behind.
My polished earrings,
necklace of reflective stones,
shirt sewn with tiny mirrors.
See yourself seeing me.

Clouds that form
a grammar of understanding
of the sky.

The wine
that sweetens your lips.
The dazzle of a sunset
the colour of

Piano solo accompaniment: Roger Stéphane, 'Lointain,' from his album, Picasso, on Jamendo.

Response to Big Tent Poetry's prompt (where other entries are linked in the comments).

The recording, for some reason, took unexpected hours, and yet I feel strange including it and hope it adds to your reading of the prosepoem.

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  1. Some very good images here. I like 'sentences fold in on each other like white rose petals' and 'speak in the tongues of poetry' especially.

    And you CAN write!!

  2. Anonymous10:02 AM

    "see yourself seeing me" -- i love that.

  3. Thanks, Mary... and, well, you know how it is. We writers are always trying to write aren't we? :-)

  4. Very beautiful images here...

  5. Beautiful images, Brenda. I like that the clouds form a grammar understanding of the sky...

  6. Anonymous1:37 PM

    What do you mean, if you could write? If not, then you've fooled me. :) There are some absolutely stunning images, phrases, and metaphors this. Absolutely gorgeous work.


  7. This is a beautiful poem, love the images you have used.

  8. A fine presentation - you have a performer's voice and a writer's hand.

  9. Anonymous6:39 PM

    "To be the wine that sweetens your lips." I love that! Don't we all want that?

  10. Thank you, Cynthia...
    Thank you, brenda w...
    Thank you, Mr Lonely, I did, and am glad you are keeping an online journal...
    Thank you, Uma...

    Tumblewords, I didn't think anyone listened to the recording, and am so glad you have. I'm glad you liked it. Thank you so much...

    Thanks, youareuseless... yes!

    What is it about hammocks? A chaise longue doesn't do what a hammock does. I just hung mine - a navy and a royal blue bordering on teal of parachute material - finally after not using it for 4 years. And I love to write in it, or draw... under the trees, in the hot Summer air...

    Thanks again everyone, I appreciate your responses.

  11. Exceptional reflections, Brenda! Very good!

  12. Exceptional reflections, Brenda. Nice poem!

  13. Thanks, Diane... and I did receive your first comment at WordPress and left a response... :)


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