Sunday, May 02, 2010

A Kora of Blossoms

a fragrance of bouquets of petaled crabapple flowers

into a pink florae of wild apple-scented beauty

feathers of blossoms pass us by

do you see what deeply peers?

These are stills from a video where I gently shook the camera - manually, no Photoshop filters. The final one is my favourite. (Click photos for larger size)

I also experimented with Picasa's 'slideshow movie' capabilities and was impressed. I uploaded this .43sec video directly from Picasa to YouTube, and you'll see if you play it full screen that the resolution is excellent.

direct link: A Kora of Blossoms

Walking along a Toronto street in Spring, I came across a tree of dancing bouquets of crabapple blossoms.

Music from 'Zaman,' by Myriam Matoussi & friends: (used with permission)

 Doggles and I walked 6 kilometers today through Toronto neighbourhoods unexplored before. With a thermos of Earl Grey tea, steamy, redolent with bergamot orange, and kibble and water for her, we stopped at three lush parks while I sipped and she sniffed, nibbled grass and chewed sticks. I took a shaking-camera video of a crab apple tree in blossom. Music from Mali the whole way -yeah I was wired, that
kora, man it's beautiful. We came home after 3 hours. She's 11 this Summer and aging extremely well, I must say.

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  1. gorgeous. i love the word "kora"! xoxooxox

  2. Thanks, hon. The word 'Kora' is only superseded by the playing of the Kora by a master! Toumani Diabate: xxoxooxooo


Woman with Flowers 7.1

(7th sketch in series, first iteration of this one) Woman with Flowers  Flowers, props  upholding the woman. The flowers, fragrant, imaginar...