Monday, May 03, 2010

'Dailies' by Ron Walker

direct link: Dailies by Ron Walker

Quietly uplifing, masterful compositions and playing...

I have many of these songs already, being a friend of Ron's partner, Laura, and listening it all comes back... why there are some nights I head out with my dog into the dark city streets and only Ron's music will do, gentle, enlivening, uplifting, a way to take you from your gloom to joy, a quiet exuberant inner pleasure that brightens the whole world... the album is composed of journey pieces, the way we journey through each phase of our lives, how each day is a journey, how we journey to each other, coming home to ourselves... love the distant Windham Hill sound, the muted Steve Reich influences... the way that tonal building increases the pulse brings excitement into the body which pours into our emotions... the piano and the flute, oh I melt... played with such sensitivity, then the rhythm catchers of the drums... simply delightful, the whole album.

The way the waves lapping at your feet that you walk on the sand through are part of and reach out to the vast ocean, the tracks move between the lyrical just edging onto the symphonic, though are fully grounded in jazz.

Makes you wanna dance on a moonlit evening in a jazz club afterhours by the ocean...

Great work, Ron... so glad you've offered this album on Jamendo.

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  1. thanks, brenda. ron was thrilled. he even had a second very flattering critique in french! i put an invitation in the french and english forums. he's getting many listens and so far 12 downloads! he's a happy man, out of the musical closet! love you so much. thanks for your encouragement! next stop, our collaborations and another album for ron! xooxoxox

  2. Super superb... so glad!!!!!! Can't wait for the collaborations, too! And more of Ron's music! Adore you. xoxo


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