Thursday, April 08, 2010

Parchment Figures: Doubles, Doppelgängers, Clones

direct link: Parchment Figures: Doubles, Doppelgängers, Clones

A painter on painting. Or, I'm painting again! Yay!

Wasn't a planned video, rather, thinking, many artists are showing themselves painting on-screen, let's put the camera on and get some footage, but I got talking, you know how it is, at night too though I managed to boost the light when I edited it, and now it's a bona fide video.

Enjoy. Hopefully you will find inspiration here for your own art, and might consider posting your own video.

Note: click on the base of the slideshow
to start the slideshow (or in the middle to
go to Picasa and see larger images).

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1 comment:

  1. Comment by John F Walter on April 13, 2010 at 8:40am

    I like your notions of painting on the black canvas, the Unmanifest, the 'tabula rasa' where forms emerge from. Myth, fairy tales, crystal homunculi, fascinating idea of how the preconscious plays with its doubling in the painterly process. I thought of how Picasso imagined, enacted his polymorphous self and its gargantuan appetites. You're so damn articulate as you go from process to technique to theory and back again, I am shuttling along with you just glad I have a way to watch and listen again, because I know it'll be like watching another Brenda, paying attention to the ' elements' of your work I didn't notice the first time.

    I like the way how you are practical with your figures as parchment pieces to trace and re use in later configurations, different motifs that still develop some of your ideas of continuous and discontinuous self, doubles, doppelgangers, and archetypes.

    Throughout your entire talk, the music is uplifting and melodically mellifluous, and you are snazzy as hell, contagious in your enthusiasm, and photogenic in that lush light kind of way. You would be wonderful on mass television, natch, but that's why it's so great to catch you on You Tube and here, right?

    Comment by Brenda Clews on April 17, 2010 9:30am

    Thank you, John. You have, as always, encapsulated the entire piece, it's gist, attentuation, and medium. I enjoy the element of fun in your seeing. It's a bit of a romp, these off-the-cuff videos that are also trial & error learning how to use the camera, the editing software. At 58 I could hardly imagine mass television, but you made me smile delightedly at the idea.

    Today the parchment figures are making me think pantomime, puppetry, white shadows. I hark to Plato, perhaps. Something about the emanation of the forms, which is such a fascinating subject especially in this age of the infinite regress of the multiply displayed digital image and recombined genetics.

    Those guys in the painting look like Thor. There's power in the god of thunder. But they are morphing, always morphing...

    Many thanks... and hope to see some of your work soon, too. xo


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