Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Caught at a Starlight Burlesque Show at The Painted Lady!

Haha... Claire and I, caught at a Starlight Burlesque show at The Painted Lady last Friday night by Nonni! :) lol

Claire says she looks like her great aunt. Not sure who I look like. Nor why we look zonked - Claire only drank water, and I sipped one tiny glass of red wine the whole evening. Musta been the venue! Had to share - you'd appreciate (& it just came in).

Claire, who I love hanging out with, is a fabulous artist - huge canvases of jungle mythological motifs, Shamanic, archetypal, rich, colourful.

1 comment:

  1. [from old ning site]

    Comment by John F Walter on August 5, 2009 at 2:17pm

    Great shot, Brenda, of both of you. ¡Que guapa eres, y tu amiga, tambien! I don´t think you look zonked, but rather, vivacious. Glad to meet you, Claire. I wish I could have been seated at the table with you, drinking a big glass of lemonade.


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