Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Dancing an Unwinding after a Solstice Celebration

Dancing an Unwinding after a Solstice Celebration from Brenda Clews on Vimeo.
This is my first videotaping of dance, something I've wished to do for a long time. After the Solstice DOWH (Dance Our Way Home) session finished, and most of the women left, a few kindly stayed to dance so we could get some stills for an article, but I liked the footage and created this little video dance poem. You can read the prose poem here:

Dancing Women: Erica Ross, Laura Nashman, Angela Greco, Jade Niemczyk, Linda Robinson & Brenda Clews

Event: Dance Our Way Home (DOWH), June 20th, 2009, at Dovercourt House in Toronto:

Background music from *Collection Hapa* by Keli'i Kaneali'i & Barry Flanagan:

Videotaped, edited & prose poetry by Brenda Clews:


  1. the colourful" frame" that you added to the video Brenda intensifies its beauty!

  2. Haha, Boris. I snuck this up just to see how it looks. The frame was always there, only darkened & uploading it seemed to darken it out of being. In this version it's perhaps too bright. Also a filter that makes everyone look like they have deep tans has to go. And the tripping in and out of the shadowing 'stop motion' filter perhaps needs some work. I mispronounced Amaterasu and I think there's a grammatical error later on too - but I re-recorded the poem at least 10 times and this was the only one that 'worked.' Still a bit of work, in other words. I do have the energy to go at it one more time, I do, I do, I do... huffing & puffing.

    I can't believe you watched it again, and thank you!

  3. Did you solve your problem with bX-e4fihs? I have the same problem, but don't know what to do. Any help you can give me I would appreciate it.

  4. Jan, I posted the issue at Blogger Help. No response of any kind from anyone, other than you, who has had the same problem. Flummoxed is it.

    Though I haven't posted in almost a week, I have put something new up & so far so good.


Is there still a blogging community?

It feels amazing to be blogging again. But I don't know where other bloggers who might connect to my blog might be. The crowd in the old...