Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My son took an overdose of Tylenol while drunk on Sunday night. I wasn't aware of it. I didn't get him to the hospital until late Monday afternoon. I spent the night in a chair beside him at Emergency. He was still lively and talkative, though nauseous and couldn't keep even water down. They gave him the antitode, liquids, gravol.

He was admitted to hospital that night.

His condition today is much, much worse. He tells me he's drifting in and out of reality and is having trouble differentiating a dream-like state from where he is. He is barely audible on the phone.

I'll be going to the hospital after his Dad leaves this afternoon (I'm not allowed to be there, the father's girlfriend's rules), and don't plan on leaving unless he starts to improve. I'm taking a camping mat and sleeping bag and will stay beside him, hospital rules be damned.

He's 21 years old. He's a beautiful young man. Oh, my son..........



  1. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Oh Brenda,

    This morning I got up and checked in on some of the blogs I follow. At Rubies in Crystal I found the news about Adrian.

    I am now and will continue to hold you both in the light today.

    Love to you all,

  2. Dear Joan, bless you, and thank you... much appreciation for your support and caring.

  3. Oh Brenda, I'm shocked to read this, so, so sorry, and holding you and your son in my heart.

  4. Dear Jean, thank you so much for coming by to offer your gentle and understanding prayers. It means much.


Is there still a blogging community?

It feels amazing to be blogging again. But I don't know where other bloggers who might connect to my blog might be. The crowd in the old...