Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Birds Wings

Images of the world. Under a chestnut tree with your dog reading Ondaatje, a superb writer, watching for the police lest they catch you unleashed, a musician on a bench who put his book down and lifted his guitar from its case on the ground and began strumming though you are too far to hear, on the pale-striped green and blue fleece blanket with the nylon underside from Vancouver where it's generally wetter though we've had record rains in Toronto this year, sipping a mug of fresh French-press espresso coffee with cream, rocking a little in a camping chair, your iPod nano beside you unused, your hair clipped back, a black camisole and comfortable thin cotton khaki shorts, and such green as this city never sees by mid-Summer, usually the grass has brown patches, unaccompanied by your invited kids who couldn't conceive of anything more boring than sitting on a blanket in the park up the road on a hot sunny day, and you're content amidst these images of your world, the breeze that flutters like birds' wings.


  1. except for the heat you have, this is a perfect mid summer afternoon! i don't like heat above the high 70s, but i love to be an observer in my world. i like the details you give - i can see it all unfold in my own mind's eye!

    on summer days i sometimes drive over to lake washington with a book and a packed picnic. i will watch kids dive into the freezing cold northwest water, and follow the ducklings with my eyes as they paddle behind mama all along the shoreline. there are intersting birds singing and fishing and people playing games near the shore, enough to entertain me when my eyes tire of the written word. such lovely summer days we have. :)

  2. Anonymous1:31 PM

    You write here so gently of the Gift of a Summer's day. Words written on their own wing. Sometimes, it is enough to experience just this.

    Blessings, my Friend

  3. Ahhh, yes, idyllic moments of Summer... thanks Sky, and Myna, for your languorous comments.


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