Saturday, November 18, 2006

Waves of Words

Words float under my rib cage, cascade over my heart, and waterfall down my body. It was invisible, but you knew. I could see you reading me.

Like a streak of fish, a discourse of signifiers referring to each other, signifiers whose identities are only their relations to other signifiers, an entire system mediating reality.

The colour; the ocean.

Floating like thought.

But, then.

The discourse into which we are born is a discourse of love, at the depths. Never mind the story.

Love creates itself.

What else do we need?


  1. even in the vastness of the ocean currents run with their own colour, their own heat, their own life, both taking from that around them and giving things that are new.

    Love creates itself.

    In that there is the power.

  2. Anonymous2:47 PM

    There are times
    when I want to
    jolt my system,
    my brain, my eyes
    so I come here
    looking for
    another Ruby
    resting among
    the crystals
    built by
    I find them
    over and

  3. Narrator, hmmn, yes. In the throes of some tidal pattern for sure... the oceans, so vast and yet originary.

    Vexations, wonderful to hear from you! I do read you, every post... and I promise to drop in more often.


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