Sunday, June 25, 2006

Self Portrait #7

Self Portrait #7

Paint's still wet (oil on canvas)...

I haven't painted in a very long time, but yesterday bought a small set of oils and one brush, and tonight cleared the foot & a half space on the bathroom counter where we have our dish rack and painted one of the self portraits. There was no black or even brown paint, hence the blue hair. Is the red paint her heart? I give the paint a fair bit of freedom to do what it wants and become witness to the results. What emerged frightened and exhilirated me. A meditation in 'emergent self'? - my dream of a few nights ago said, use brushes, not sticks, which I took to mean paints not watercolour pencils. Interesting. Not quite starlight, but tiny pin pricks of an opening of something...

Mary Ann says, "The red part in the middle looks like your heart is open for all to see."

For Sparky's Self Portrait Marathon.


  1. Anonymous9:09 AM

    nice painting..really, i think it is very beautiful.

  2. Brenda, it's very beautiful. I see beauty, love, clarity, openness, and a little skepticism that looks like it might become a laugh - at yourself? at life? who knows? How good that you bought the oils.

  3. I like this a lot. It feels like it's built upon the others. And it's beautiful.

  4. Hafizah, thanks for dropping by, and thanks for your lovely words...

    Beth, you are so sweet, and I laugh often, so that sounds like me! My oils and sable brushes are in storage, but it was good to buy some paints for immediate use. Thank you for the support...

    MB, yes, you are right, without all the others I wouldn't know this face so intimately. And I do 'recognize' myself here! Amazing huh.

  5. Oh, I love this ...

  6. Oh, this is gorgeous! The blue hair is just right somehow - in the photo below your hair is almost reflecting blue/dark from the space around you. Really lush and deep and emotional, but, yes, as others have said, quizzical and on the edge of lighthearted too. Very still, but not static, poised for movement. Lovely, lovely.

  7. This is a beautiful painting! It's so rich and bold. I love it :)

  8. Fabulous flow and light here. The blue is wonderful -- reflections all around of primary colors.


Self-Portrait with a Fascinator 2016

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