Thursday, June 22, 2006

The plain face...

Surely post & then take this down... the photo underlaying the drawing (which will surely do more walking), unadorned, plain, as is, the background fuzzed, oh yeah, well...



  1. Oh, I look like a cop? :chuckles: We'd have fun, MB!

  2. you have a mystical, timelessness about you. mezmerizing. lovely blues and pinks and sepia tones. thanks!

  3. As I age I hope I look like my Great Aunt Jessie, at 70 her pure blue eyes, skin like cream, she was a vision when I met her. I'm 54. Funny, but I had rosacea, and it seems to be gone... ran out of prescriptions about 6 months ago and didn't renew. It's as if Great Aunt Jessie's blessings are somehow... I don't know how to explain it, but Snowsparkle you understand these things.

  4. This isn't plain, you know. In this photo you are how I imagine a sea-nymph to be ...

    A slightly quizzical look as well - do I believe you or don't I, you seem to be saying.

  5. Ah, you knew what I meant! I can imagine you as a vision at 70, yes.

    But it's really the look in your eyes in this photograph that stops me. I can't quite put my finger on what that look says. I think perhaps Mary is close. It's so direct.

  6. Hmmn, plain meaning unmadeup, unposed except that the camera was on timer on the windowshelf, but I like what you've said, Mary, and MB, of course I do!


Woman with Flowers 7.1

(7th sketch in series, first iteration of this one) Woman with Flowers  Flowers, props  upholding the woman. The flowers, fragrant, imaginar...