Monday, September 19, 2005

The Male Model in the Lifedrawing Session...

Last night I went to a drop-in Life Drawing session at the Toronto School of Art. Now how often do we get male models? Yeah, oh baby. Yeah, they've been photoshopped to greater or lesser degrees. They're viewable. Click on the thumbnails for larger versions. Only one is mostly done; the others I am in the process of colouring...

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  1. Fantastic drawings. Glad you're finding time and energy for this. I just totally believe that as long as you're sufficiently in touch with your creativity/flow to do such work, you'll also flow to exactly the right places in your new life back in Toronto.

  2. Thank you Jean! How wonderful and supportive you are. Drawing figures in this way is new and a surprise, so I'm enjoying discovering the process of the way they are unfolding. Many blessings. xo


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