"Shadows On The Wall": A photo from this morning, a poem from this evening, both together in the image...
Friday, April 29, 2005
Shadows On The Wall
"Shadows On The Wall": A photo from this morning, a poem from this evening, both together in the image...
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Lighthouse Park
Maybe I'm on a kid blog binge: the red tulip was a gift from my son; the apple blossoms for my daughter; so I said to them, I'm going
The bus driver forgot to let us off, but I jumped up when I saw Beacon Lane, and he apologized as he let us off at the next stop, and back we walked. So we went hiking, there's nothing much to tell, or maybe another post tomorrow, but here's some pics. Yup: that's the trail; aren't those rocks something; and the lighthouse after which the park is named. It took us only an hour to get there, on a scenic bus ride over Lion's Gate Bridge, along the glistening rim of the Pacific ocean...
O, sorry, Spring out here in British Columbia was 2 months ago, now it's hot like Summer...
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Woman of the Sun & Blossoms
Two disparate images today, one on a walk to the park in the hours just after dawn, the other a sketch I did lying in a hammock.
My daughter's the model, though she doesn't look like that, it's not a portrait, but inspired by her. Before she was born, I pulled a Tarot card for her, and it was the major arcana card, The Sun.
I'm calling it, "Woman of the Sun & Blossoms"...
It's just a bit of fun for the day...
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Solidifying Into Light
If you'd like to listen to a poetry reading, there is a 3 minute recording of this piece at my site at Sound Click: MP3 Recording of "Solidifying Into Light"
I like to work with multi-media approaches, the writing, an image, a reading...
Writing the words of a prose poem in an image is a time-consuming process, as I found when I photomontaged Horizon After Horizon of Singing Bowls. In "Solidifying Into Light" there is perhaps too much text, yet with much tweaking it can 'work,' if barely.
Creating an image to embed the writing in? It's always a challenge. Today, a photograph, of my amber pendant, my hand beneath the prose poem...
This prose poem arose out of a rather large case of plagiarism at a blog site that has now been closed down.
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Friday, April 15, 2005
It is crucial to NEVER forget...
Let us never, never forget: Liberation of Belsen.
I haven't been able to stop crying since watching this. Let us NEVER forget. Each generation must remember. NEVER LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN. EVER.
Thursday, April 14, 2005
A tree of birdhouses...
The way the branches form patterns, and that blue sky, and those birdhouses are incredible ~ from a master dollhouse maker's studio surely, the detail alone worth admiring. Photos from a walk an hour ago. (If you can't see it, go here: http://img38.echo.cx/img38/8194/birdhousesbc7og.jpg)
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Sky Tangos...
Collisions of galaxies in the young universe caused prodigious star production even while the black holes at their centres increased exponentially.
Matter suctioned by the dense gravity of black holes flew at massive speeds inwards as gases were blasted to the outer fringes creating the luminescent edges of the merging galaxies.
The light pouring out of such ancient crucibles of creation and destruction creating the very memories we see emblazoned in the night sky through our telescopes.
In such collisions, a thousand more solar masses of stars formed each year than in our slower star-creating counterparts in the modern galaxies we exist in.
But when I look at simulations of colliding galaxies, I see only tangos and hot passion, sangrias and lust, sex and creating babies, the madness of merging amidst looming black holes and bright bursting stardust across the heavenly skies, an explosive terrain of love...
The photo is an active link back to the article at Space.com, for those of you who want to explore more...
A sweaty butterfly...
I've been languishing since I've found myself, once again, on the temp office work circuit. Which is work in a strange office, then stress a lot in the days between, work a bit in another strange office, stress more, you get the routine. I don't want to buy my monthly gym pass. I can't seem to make it to the park where jogging is free. Dance is too far away, mostly everything takes about 2 or more hours of transit for about 2 hours of dance, and again I don't want to spend the money. So lapse into lax muscles and the only cardio is considering my job prospects. O so lazy...
There is much mention of exercise in Blogland these days. Must be the Spring...
Not much you must agree, but net result: today my calf muscles ache, and across my chest. It feels good. And not only was it *free* I didn't even have to brush my hair or wash my face or change from house clothes into jogging attire, just put on some running shoes...
Skipping is a great exercise and under-rated. I wonder why?
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Stained Glass light...
My father was dying, my life changing irrevocably; I was in a wild and passionate relationship with an intellectual poet. I surrounded myself with stained glass, some pieces more sublime than others.
After my father died, I bought a house with huge windows and privacy a few blocks away. I could see the sun and the moon in the sky. The stained glass went into the attic for almost two decades.
I moved it with me to Vancouver, finding it bringing back a time I had forgotten, and hung it myself with my power drill.
During the day the windows are open. In the evening I shut them and enjoy the deep and glistening colour. When I sleep I draw the curtains.
In this digital photograph of the stained glass casement windows this morning it looks as if the sun is, is... there is such brilliant light, it seems to be pushing the glass open, the curtains open, drawing the viewer out to its brightness, a whiteness into which the landscape has collapsed, the dark blue lace that I have hung as netting to keep out flies and bees in the Summer becomes a mere few stitches of a design over the whiteness of the sun's field, even the window frame is being submerged in light, a light almost blinding to the occupant within...
What intrigues me is that I was working on a cross-cultural study of light in many different fields when my father died, a piece of work I never completed; it was based on stunning dreams of light...
Can you describe this photograph? It is one of the ones with a light that seems almost visionary. Be poetic...
Friday, April 08, 2005
How can everything I am be contained here in this remote and anonymous spot? Located here in this curve of space and time, at this edge of the universe, that that's it, that's all there is?
Because most of what we are seems to transcend our bodies, it is not hard to imagine what travels with us, our memories, feelings, passions and desires will travel beyond our bodies into a deathless realm beyond our deaths.
One day perhaps we will understand how energy manifest into matter and how it unmanifests, the secret of life and death.
Perhaps we are runners passing the baton ~ our written thoughts, inventions, works of art, labour, children ~ just keeping the links of civilization alive even as we each appear and disappear, a living force for awhile, and then gone.
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Fragments towards a Meditation on the Body...
On our blogs we post, barely editing, always planning to come back at some future point to edit, only the posts fly by like days...
Anyway, I just put this montage together, the writing moves over small line drawings of dancers I did maybe a year ago...the words shaping themselves are nothing conclusive or that I would want to rest my weight on, barely touching the surface of this subject, the body, but leaning into the writing coming soon on the body where all bodies are created...
This is just a miniscule meditation on what tells me I am alive. A sort of Descartian I Am, or even Buddhist recognition of the. most. basic.
The ground of being, the body, where I begin...
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
I came here to apply to do a PhD in Interdisciplinary Studies, but they changed the program, it was the strangest thing, really, how it happened, and I didn't even end up applying to Admissions, and then got stuck here, but that's a story for another time.
Or maybe I was destined to come out here to the West Coast all along. Now the psychics I spoke to before I came said it was a very good move for me and that it would all work out wonderfully and they couldn't have been more wrong. The thing is, talking about telepathy and my theory of mind-reading, is that I had no premonition about the changes going on in the program I wanted to join and so they couldn't 'read' the problems I would encounter.
Yes, this is definitely a story I will continue at another time. Here's a photo of moi in ma corner reading, if I can't live with it, I'll try to replace it with a daylight one tomorrow...
Oh, that painting, yeah that's exactly where it's sat for months waiting, someday I'll finish it, who knows...
Monday, April 04, 2005
Photo: our dog, Keesha.
Is there still a blogging community?
It feels amazing to be blogging again. But I don't know where other bloggers who might connect to my blog might be. The crowd in the old...

The Buddha says: “ You cannot travel the path until you have become the path itself .” The path is uncertain. Uncertainty is the guiding for...
What if relationships are the primary ordering principle? What if the way relationships are ordered clarify, explain, and instruct us on th...
Basquiat at the AGO: An Untitled Portrait When asked about his frequent use of "carbon" (tar, asbestos), Basquiat shot back, ...