Saturday, September 24, 2011

Recent Poetry Recordings

Some months ago I created a Google Sites site, Poetry Recordings of Brenda Clews, to host .mp3s of recent poetry recordings. The poems are all available to read as well -that's important.

The hosting site was so that I could post the recordings here, at Rubies in Crystal, as I compose them, and when I have enough I will create an album at Jamendo. While I used to upload recordings-in-progress to SoundClick or SoundCloud, I tired of the limitations of those music sites, and created a website for this purpose instead.

Today I spent some hours creating a usable interface for these recordings of recent poetry at my hosting site. The site is unlisted, invisible to search engines, but is public- and findable, if you have the link.

Below is a screen shot of the site. Click to go to the site.

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Wall at Moving Poems

Thank you, Dave Bonta, for featuring The Wall at Moving Poems on September 7th!

Yes, I embedded his webpage in my blog post. And, not only is the videopoem playable here, but I just left a thank you note for him via this embedded page and it appeared over there simultaneously. Personally, I think it's very cool.

(If you have an email subscription or are on an RSS feed like Google Reader or whatever, you'll have to click in to the post to see this beauty.)

Moving Poems

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Monday, September 19, 2011

Joani Paige at Free Times Cafe

direct link: Joani Paige at Free Times Cafe

Joani Paige, singing "So Fine," with Willie Anicic on harmonica near the end, and Pat Kelly on percussion (not in camera range) at Free Times Cafe on September 16, 2011.

Brenda Clews: camera and video editing. Yes, I took my camera and then spent the greater part of the weekend video editing.

You'll see that around 3:39min, the mask is apparent. The musician leans down out of it and into the light. If you didn't recognize the masking all the way through, you would at that point. It is obvious. I left it in to show the artifice in the art.

Here is a photograph showing my Final Cut filters, and you can see I manually keyed in the lights, their opacities, which took forever. To make sure that you see Joani throughout, I created another layer of her track and masked it. In the photograph, you can see there is yet another track where Willie is also masked.

A theme of masks seems to be running through my work, and this type of masking is yet another dimension to it.

A mask that lets you see the person who is being masked.

click on image for larger size
Colors courtesy of Free Footage on Vimeo, with thanks.

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Woman with Flowers 7.1

(7th sketch in series, first iteration of this one) Woman with Flowers  Flowers, props  upholding the woman. The flowers, fragrant, imaginar...