Friday, December 05, 2014

'Étude: Red Sun/Babel,' ink painting in Yellow House Gallery Group Show

Étude: Red Sun/Babel. Brenda Clews, 2014. 16" x 20", permanent inks (Derwent IntTense blocks and pencils, Noodler's, Daler Rowney, Kooh-​I​-Noor, Diamine, Sailor, Sennelier) on canvas.

Babel​myth. ​H​ow languages became. ​
P​illar unitary speaking fragment letters. 
Random script​s​​ falling​. 
She, mute, meditat​e​, silen​t​.

Poem written on back of painting. Many of the paintings are around $300., very reasonably priced, including this one,

In this exhibition we feature over 20 artists with over 40 pieces being displayed. We have sourced local, regional, and international talent to mount a widely diverse show!

I'd like to invite you to our opening reception on Friday December 5th. See details below.

This exhibition runs until December 20th

See you at the gallery!


December Art Salon and Holiday Sale 
runs from December 5th until the 20th, 2014


Friday December 5th, 6:30-9:30

Join us in celebrating these artists and their work. Artists will be in attendance.

After the Reception: Some pics from the lovely Yellow House Gallery's Opening for the 'December Art Salon and Sale.' A full house. Paintings covering a wide spectrum of styles. The show is well worth seeing if you can get out to the east end.

The first pic is of Kristina, Gallery owner extraordinaire. That's me in the 2nd pic., taken when some Carollers came in and sang for a bit.  It wasn't until I was ready to leave, after chatting with a number of artists for a few hours, that I remembered to take some pics, and by then there were so many people I couldn't get a shot of me own work. It's all good. Lol!


Sunday, November 30, 2014

November 2014 Poetry Salon at Urban Gallery -final one for this year!

Adam Abbas hosted my final Poetry Salon at Urban Gallery this year on Saturday Nov. 29th from 3-5 PM EST. Talented, charming and ever-generous, thank you Adam for all the hard work you put into this Salon! Featured were Anna Veprinska, Dave Hurlow, Rasiqra Revulva, Neal Alexander Shroobacca Armstrong and Nyla Matuk. Thank you for such fine poetry and readings! Norman Bethune Allan, John Oughton, Areta M., and I also read on open mic. Adam arranged for the licenses and brought beer and wine. It was truly a wonderful afternoon! Many thanks to all who came out!!! xoxoxoxo

Anna Veprinska's new poetry collection Sew with Butterflies was released by Steel Bananas in 2014. She is a poet who is currently pursuing her PhD in English at York University, researching empathy in poetry. Her writing and photography can be found in various Canadian and British publications. She also plays the mandolin in the Toronto Mandolin Orchestra.

Dave Hurlow's first collection of short fiction Hate Letters from Buddhists was released by Steel Bananas in 2014. He is a Toronto-based writer and musician. He studied literature at King’s College in Halifax, and plays bass in the Toronto band The Darcys. Their second album Warring was released by Arts and Crafts in 2013.

Neal Armstrong is an artist and performer who splits his time between Toronto and the dream world.

Rasiqra Revulva is a Toronto-based writer, multi-media artist, editor, musician, and performer. She is a founding member of the synth-punk/electro/glitch/industrial music and visual art collective The Databats. Her writing has been published by The Incongruous Quarterly, Cordite Poetry Review, ditch,, The Feminist Wire, and The Quilliad; and exhibited at the 2014 PULP: paper art party, the 2014 BIG on Bloor Festival, and IMG Forums at Propeller Centre for the Visual Arts.

Nyla Matuk’s first full-length collection is Sumptuary Laws, published in 2012. A chapbook, Oneiric, appeared with Frog Hollow Press in 2009. Her poems have appeared in, or are forthcoming in, The Fiddlehead, The Walrus, Hazlitt, Canadian Notes and Queries, The Best Canadian Poetry in English 2012 and PN Review, among others. She was a finalist for the Walrus Poetry Prize and the Gerald Lampert Memorial Award.

Please go to my Poetry Salons at Urban Gallery album at Picasa to see who's who - the album starts at the first salon and goes to the latest.


The photography on the walls is by KAREN SILVER, whose show, Otherworld, was up at Urban Gallery when we had our Poetry Salon there.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Life-Drawing at Bampot on Oct 19th 2014

Finally got around to photographing, cropping and whatnot the life-drawing session at Bampot Bohemian Teahouse on Oct 19th. Not terribly.... not. But, ok, let's post. The final drawing, which is the first here as they are in backwards order, was what keyed me into thinking, Why don't I take a little canvas for that last pose... (which is supposed to be 40min, though it's often a lot less than that because the break is a lot longer than the time allotted but I can insist that the model do the long pose right after break and then whatever short one might fill in to 5:30pm, yes I can).

You'll see my little canvas, which will be in a Group Show at Yellow House Gallery, in my next post, whenever that is.

Hope you're all well!


Woman with Flowers 7.1

(7th sketch in series, first iteration of this one) Woman with Flowers  Flowers, props  upholding the woman. The flowers, fragrant, imaginar...