Friday, April 08, 2011

On the Street at Night

slow through yellow roses
that haven’t bloomed yet
or budded

slow, the flank, the nostril

I follow you while I guide you

as you amble close to a ground
soil, edible, marks, scents,
a brambly riot of last year’s
dried pods, grasses

I cannot know

with passings by,

tendril of fur

your eyes, milky
with age.

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Thursday, April 07, 2011

A Day, any day

A poetryless day where the
morning smolders with cold
mist. White shadow glides
around trees, cars, buildings;
figures emerge and disappear
as they walk to moments
of meeting.

The sun roves white
as the moon, then
becomes a thin rind
of lemon.

In the afternoon, lit by
its brilliance through
windows we eat
cheesecake and fresh
blueberry sauce
with crisp
sweet tea.


(NaPoWriMo #7)

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Videopoem Contest at Moving Poems

A site on the forefront of multi-media poetry today, Moving Poems, is having a videopoem contest. Dave writes, "I thought it would be fun to have a contest where everyone would use the same poem in its entirety, either in the soundtrack or as text (or both)." The poem, "Fable," by Howie Good is short but full with metaphoric possibility. The deadline is April 15th; there is no limit to the number of times you can submit entries. Do submit. Details: Moving Poem's First Videopoem Contest.

Moving Poems is a special site because, unlike all the other video poem sites that I've browsed, which really are more 'short films for festivals' sorts of sites and which don't show you the video poems that win their contests, Moving Poems collects the best video poetry at open, public sites on the NET. It's an available treasure house of flicks.

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Wednesday, April 06, 2011

NaPoWriMo Day 6: When day and night merge

Day is late; it is too late. The latte evaporates,
dry coffee grounds lie in the cold mug. The
thump when the car hit your body remains, as if
the echo effect is broken and repeats, thump,
thump. Metal, soft tissue, bone splinter.
Concussion of my heart.

When antelope dance over rock, smudges of
charcoal. In the cave day and night, and I
wouldn’t come out.

You were alright. You walked away, a bit

I bled internally in my dreams, the pillow, the
sheets, under the car tire grown large as a
ferris wheel. My blood sometime ran like
Van Gogh’s wheat fields, the residue of burnt
souls. The ferris wheel ran day and night,
even in deathly winter when everyone
was absent.

Each day the sun comes later; no, earlier.
The green fury of spring is nearing like a
virescent bush fire.  The sumacs are pregnant
with multiple birth buds.

Who is reading me on this day that is later than
all the other days slipping under the wheel
as the tire drags on.

This woven bone, these smudges
of burnt wood,
these buds of spring.

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Is there still a blogging community?

It feels amazing to be blogging again. But I don't know where other bloggers who might connect to my blog might be. The crowd in the old...