Friday, December 25, 2015

Happy Holiday - wishing you the Best of the Festive Season!

However you celebrate, together or alone, as a day of feasting or simply a holiday, enjoy!

My day is spent cooking both turkey and tofurky and multiple accompanying dishes for my extended family, and I love it.

For the first Christmas, since getting my adorable cat, Aria, in 2012, I have been able to hang ornaments. I only found one on the floor one morning - she's very good now. It was nice to get out my Balinese hand-made ornaments that I bought at a long-gone store in Toronto, Frida, one Boxing Day. It is only now that I truly appreciate their workmanship, the hands who made and painted them. Lamia is my favourite, followed by what has to be a shaman/trickster figure. They are all quite haunting in their own way.



Monday, December 21, 2015

Wishing You A Wonderful Solstice!

Sun Stands Still

Solstice, a brief moment, the earth at its outer spin. Nothing stands still in the reversal. The warmth begins its journey back while the coldest months are yet to come. The shifting rotation offers paradox while the seasons glide along, glide along.

Wishing you and yours a wonderful, generous, gift-giving Solstice and brilliant New Year filled with love, health, success, warmth and enjoyment.

In the spirit of the rebirth of the sun:
light your sabre!

Photo from Split Mask, a videopoem I am again working on.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

A detail of a small drawing

Small detail of a piece that I continued to work on after taking this photo. Mixed media, 2015. Really, just a doodle drawing, testing things.

Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Photos & Video of the Nov 2015 Poetry & Music Salon

We had a wonderful poetry and music gathering at Markham House in Mirvish Village on November 29th.

Many thanks to our features - Jeannine Pitas (Janina La Papita) and Amoeba Starfish (Jeff Howard and Phil Ogison Aegidiussen) - thoroughly enjoyed every word and note of music (including dancing! Jeannine, Sharon Goodier, Norman Bethune Allan and Ariel Balevi - dancers all!)!

And beautiful open mics - wow! - Ariel Balevi (who is a well-known and beloved storyteller and shared a poem for the first time publicly), Anatol Oberhand Balaban (who wrote a terrific impromptu poem about Mirvish Village), Daniela Oana (first time sharing her poetry publicly), Sharon Goodier (who shared some of her ekphrastic poetry), Elizabeth Pollack (first time sharing her poetry publicly), Jeff Cottrill (who had us laughing with a great TTC poem) and Norman Allan (who read while Amoeba Starfish were playing).

And, of course, much gratitude and kudos to those who helped at Markham House, Deb and Joe for chairs, coffee, mineral water, and Aliya who was my kind liaison organizing the event.

Our Soirée wound into the evening hours in a beautiful space. Intimate, supportive, friendly, warm, my favourite kinds of hours. Thanks to you all! xoxo

See the Music and Poetry Soirées Picasa album for names and location.


Video of entire Soirée below

The first 35sec, which is like a Shakespearean Prologue (been doing this the last couple of salon videos and not sure anyone's noticed - John Oughton did the theme music), you get the whole soirée in stop motion, is still blue - too much work to re-do it - but the rest is now in natural tones. I started this video at 11am on Sunday morning and it is now posted here, in my blog, finally. There is a blue version floating around but I don't feel the colouration worked and am keeping that private. :-}

direct link: Nov Poetry and Music Soirée

In order of appearance:

2:14 Ariel Balevi

13:26 Anatol Oberhand Balaban

15:50 Daniela Oana

18:55 Jeannine Pitas (Janina La Papita)

43:13 Elizabeth Pollack

46:42 Sharon Goodier

53:48 Jeff Cottrill

Norman Bethune Allan is somewhere in Amoeba Starfishes' set

1:01:03 Amoeba Starfish (Jeff Howard and Phil Ogison Aegidiussen)

Our November poetry and music gathering was hosted by moi, Brenda Clews, and I also took photographs, and shot and edited the video.

Woman with Flowers 7.1

(7th sketch in series, first iteration of this one) Woman with Flowers  Flowers, props  upholding the woman. The flowers, fragrant, imaginar...