Monday, January 16, 2017

View from Robarts Library

The literary world has its own intrigues, passions, blasts and blessings. There's always a story, and there is one with my novella, Fugue in Green, which was languishing and now, suddenly, is slated for publication this Fall 2017. I have 6 weeks to do edits and revisions. I haven't read the ms since I submitted it in 2015. Hit Robarts Library yesterday and finished reading it and making some changes by closing time. It goes for a literary edit in a few weeks, so I have to work on the changes and additions I think it needs now, and then, after it's edited, I will work madly on it again. Here is my lovely view from the library at sunset. Note Hart House down there. (This post about the view, not the panicked lady behind it! Lol!)

Friday, January 13, 2017

Pen & ink drawing of Luciano Iacobelli

A rather raw pen and ink sketch of Luciano Iacobelli in preparation for a portrait painting.  ©Brenda Clews, 9"x12", pen and ink on Strathmore 140lb watercolour paper.

Luciano, Rocco and I are doing a triple book launch on Wednesday, January 18th:

A literary ménage à trois of poetry: Luciano Iacobelli, The Examined Life; Rocco De Giacomo, Every Night of Our Lives; and Brenda Clews, Tidal Fury. It'll be a fantastic evening, first at Bar Italia, where we will each read while you drink and eat and enjoy and of course, buy books and then the evening will continue as a party at a nearby location. Do join us for an evening of fine and sometimes raucous poetry.

 Hosted by Dominic Capilongo. Live music by Ian Burgham and friends.


Monday, January 09, 2017

'The Child is Father of the Man' (Wordsworth)

'The Child is Father of the Man,' (Wordsworth), ©Brenda Clews, 9"x12", pen and ink on Strathmore 140lb watercolour paper.

Last night's drawing.


Friday, January 06, 2017

Which one is the real one?

Which one is the real one? A too-fast sketch of Geraldine James in Jewel of India (1984), though she looks obliquely Frida somehow. With the somewhat crude tool I am using, a $2.75 bamboo reed that I love that blots and dabs, that you struggle with to draw, makes the attempt at, approach to, discovery of a more expressionist figuration in the depths, deliberate.

Thursday, January 05, 2017

'the attraction' - pen & ink sketch

'the attraction seems not so much at the heart of it but wheeling outside it' (Larkin), ©Brenda Clews, 9"x12", pen and ink on Fabriano 140lb 100% cotton watercolour paper.

Original note at 1am a few nights ago: Loosely drawn. The sketch, fairly quick. The figures from different time zones. And yet, how strikingly real this seems.

Is there still a blogging community?

It feels amazing to be blogging again. But I don't know where other bloggers who might connect to my blog might be. The crowd in the old...