Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Rock on Toxodon: sketching @ the Museum

Sketching at the ROM (Royal Ontario Museum) on Nov 24th with the group, Sketching Around the City. Was an interesting sketching trip. Thanks Valerie Animus Léo for organizing it! This is a Toxodon platensis, from Argentina, 1.5 million years old, actually a hoofed mammal that most resembles a rhinoceros.

We all went our separate directions and met up afterwards in the lobby with our drawings. Photo by Valerie Animus Léo, who organises this event. You can see me peering at the sketches, my Toxodon amongst the others.

Here is the 'dinosaur' I was sketching at the museum. My sketch in the bottom left corner is a bit dark in this iPhone photo, but you can see the skeleton of beast I was drawing (not real bone, but simulated, as it turns out). As I found out when I'd finished, he's actually a Toxodon platensis, from Argentina, 1.5 million years old, and not a fabulous dinosaur of the reptile family but a hoofed mammal that most resembles a rhinoceros. Rock on Toxodon!



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