Friday, April 13, 2012

Charcoal Sketches

Right before going to bed last night I grabbed my charcoal pencil and began a few 'tests' - all tiny, like 6" x 8" - watercolour brushed in afterwards. The self-portrait done in a dark room is overdone but you can't undo charcoal; the woman in the middle, well, what can I say, the pencil is clumsy to use, it needs larger paper; and the final one is exactly what I wanted.

Though I drew her last night, I wrote a poem for her 6 years ago:


the bus stop,
all the people's heads
turned, watching.

Gaze of anxiety.

The blind woman tapping
her way forward.


  1. Great sketches, Brenda. I applaud your skill and your bravery. Your strokes are well placed, the smudging quite right and the color splashes both intriguing and dynamic. Nice !!

    1. Thank you Bill! I did them in a little journal, late at night, but am now thinking, be brave, do one in your Moleskine, or, jitters, on canvas. Lovely effects, and you are so right, there no going back with the charcoal - sure, a kneaded eraser is crucial, but there's no way to fully undo any lines or shading. Many thanks!!!

      (ps I tried 'reply' from my gmail - it's not here, no idea if it went to you via email. :-)


Woman with Flowers 7.1

(7th sketch in series, first iteration of this one) Woman with Flowers  Flowers, props  upholding the woman. The flowers, fragrant, imaginar...